In the below example, i had a list of 5 values stored in a field as a picklist. When values 1 and 2 were chosen i wanted to hide the field, and display it when values 3,4 and 5 are selected. If you only have a single value to hide the field, then simple remove the "if else" part of the code below...
if(crmForm.all.cit_phonestatus.DataValue == 1)
crmForm.all.cit_dateret.disabled = true; // to disable
// to hide
crmForm.all.cit_dateret.style.display = "none";
crmForm.all.cit_dateret_c.style.display = "none"; // for label
else if(crmForm.all.cit_phonestatus.DataValue == 2)
crmForm.all.cit_dateret.disabled = true; // to disable
// to hide
crmForm.all.cit_dateret.style.display = "none";
crmForm.all.cit_dateret_c.style.display = "none"; // for label
else {
crmForm.all.cit_dateret.disabled = false;
crmForm.all.cit_dateret.style.display = "";
crmForm.all.cit_dateret_c.style.display = "";
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